Design Studio
Ruwdesign (since 2011) is the design studio of Industrial Designer Ruud Wensink. Knowledge and experience gained in business, at the University of Twente, TU/e (Technical University Eindhoven) and University of Strathclyde (Glasgow) founded the basis of Ruwdesign.
The Brand
Ruwdesign stands for awesome products that are designed to last, age beautifully and are sustainable.
Production process & Environment
Our products are 100% designed and manufactured in The Netherlands. In our own workshop we guarantee the quality of the wood and metal work. A huge benefit of producing locally is the minor environmental impact the products have. Contrary to manufacturing overseas (in low wage countries) Ruwdesign banned all unnecessary transport of products and raw materials around the globe. All used product finishes are natural and solvent free, because we see no reason not to.
About Ruud

Born in 1984 in the east/green part of The Netherlands. Over the years, an enthusiastic eye for detail developed, together with a passion for design, technology and nature. It all started with building my first tree house when I was 9 years old. Later I also became a fan of music and windsurfing.
The workshop in the forest is the perfect place where all aspects comes together. Here Ruwdesign products are made and new ideas and concepts are developed.
Over the years producing music/audio developed from a hobby to being part of Ruwdesign.